2021 hosted by the Ministry of Science and ICT, Republic of Korea
We attended the AIoT Korea exhibition 2021 hosted by the Ministry of Science and ICT, Republic of Korea.
As an IoT test solution provider it was interesting to see the latest IoT trends and growing number of IoT use cases in end user industries like Smart vehicles, Smart homes, Smart Wearables, Smart Healthcare, Industrial IoT etc.,
To know more about Tescom's IoT test solution follow the link https://bit.ly/3C8QFg3
Tescom donated ₩5,000,000 to Children's Foundation for a warmer Christmas of Children in Goyang-City on December 6, 2021.The donation was made through the vending machines inside the company and Social Contribution Fund.We look forward to the futre where Tescom builds brighter future for more children. (dnews.co.kr) https://www.dnews.co.kr/uhtml/view.jsp?idxno=202112061616044110144
We are pleased to share that Tescom Co., Ltd. has been awarded the certificate par excellence of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) by Ministry of Employment and Labor, Republic of Korea.
This certificate is conferred to select Korean SMEs meeting the criteria for technical excellence, global competency, high employee retention, excellent credit score and family and youth friendly workplace .